Why Tik Tok Banned in India? | supreme court orders on Tik Tok in India
Why Tik Tok Banned in India?
Tik tok Banned in India |
Have you Ever Think which is one of the most Downloaded apps on on Google Play Store?Surprisingly, it is Tik Tok. Tik Tok has 0.5 billion users around the world and only in India There is 119 million users. It is one of the Fastest Growing Social Media App. Yes This is That Tik Tok Which is Banned in India by Madras High Court and Approved by Supreme court of India.
Supreme Court has Banned on its Downloading but those who Have Already Downloaded are continued to use this App. Till now, there is no restriction on it. The further Verdict Will Sentenced to 22 April.
Banned on google play store and app store |
Why Tik Tok Banned in India?
Now our main Topic Why Tik Tok is Banned.the reason behind to ban the tik tok is That It Promotes Children Pornography .This App is proving to a Fertile Hunting ground for paedophiles . Some of the Users Post the Content Which is Inappropriate for the Children as Well as Adults. In other words I would say that This Platform is Misused by some users.although , Indian government is already very Concern To stop child pornography. It has recently Block more than 800 Porn websites . It not only affect on minor children Mentally As well As physically but also deteriorating the Great Indian Culture. India is not only the first Country Which is Banned or criticizes this app .Before this it is criticizes by many other foreign countries.
I think it is good .but till now it is not properly announce. The final Verdict on tik tok will be Sentenced by the supreme court on 22 April. I will Update you with the New decision Announce by the supreme court of India , As Soon As Possible.